How restaurant do forecasting and food cost control process

Restaurant Revenue Forecast: 

It is very similar of the restaurant and room service forecasting process is to the rooms forecasting process. The forecasting process includes forecasting customers and average checks to calculate restaurant and room service revenues. The weekly forecast will be prepared day by day and added up for the total weekly customers, average check, and revenues. The breakfast, lunch, and dinner meal periods will replace the transient and group market segments used in the room forecast.

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Different characteristics of chain and independent restaurants

Chain Restaurants

Chain restaurants mean a group of restaurants identical in market, concept, design, service, food, and name. They have the same menu, food quality, level of service, and atmosphere that customers can find in any one of the restaurants regardless of location. The owner of Chain restaurants are most likely large companies or entrepreneurs. Some stores are owned by the company but the majority is franchised by territory. These restaurants have much more experience, cash flow to support the business operation. The marketing promotion by the owner can also be enjoyed by the franchisees. Also, they can enjoy the operation skills and equipment support from the franchisor. The examples include: Golden Traditional Noodle, Tokyo Sushi Restaurant.

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Recent trends and challenges in operating F&B operations


  • Focus on value

With the obvious decline in all sectors of disposable incomes, that is the amount of money we have in our pockets at the end of the day once the cost of living is removed, a real focus on value has been the most significant change. Intangible items that represent decadence are on the decline, the death bell for white-gloved fine dining has been rung and guests are looking for authenticity and upscale elegance that represents real bang for their buck.

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